Sortie en mai 2008 sur l'initiative de Robert Schroeder, cette compilation regroupe 12 artistes repérés sur MySpace : A.D.S.R. (Espagne), Alpha Lyra "himself" (France), DUST free (Allemagne), Kristalium (France), Guido Negraszus (Australie), Mac Mavis (Finlande), McCartnoTRON (Allemagne), MC-Honert (Allemagne), Nattefrost (Danemark), mes amis les Nightbirds (France) et VFXdesigner (Allemagne).
Cette compilation présente ainsi un large panorama d'excellente musique électronique.
Pour écouter des extraits et le commander, rdv sur alpha-lyra.net
A selection of the best unsigned artists from the range of EM (Electronic Music) which can be found on MySpace : A.D.S.R. (Spain), Alpha Lyra "himself"(France), DUST free (Germany), Kristalium (France), Guido Negraszus (Australia), Mac Mavis (Finland), McCartnoTRON (Germany), MC-Honert (Germany), Nattefrost (Denmark), my friends the Nightbirds (France) et VFXdesigner (Germany).
Each artist of the compilation DREAMS OF MySPACE has his own typical unique sound and style.
One can compare their music with the music of those EM artists, by whom they are affected. The Compilation CD shows a wide spectrum of real good Electronic Music..
To listen extracts and buy the cd, go to alpha-lyra.net