FULL COLOURS is 5 titles portraying the personal, intimate and sensitive universes of Christian Piednoir This ninth solo album was born out of the tumultuous period that we have all experienced over the last 18 months. It moves between worry and the fear of an uncertain future, but ultimately there are notes of hope, the certainty of a future that will be brighter and full of colour once again. For colour is a part of our lives and notably the ‘reason being’ for all creatives, be they musicians or visual artists. Christian Piednoir vivaciously navigates his way between these two worlds, be it behind his keyboards or in front of his paintings. Each title of FULL COLOURS lasts between 12 and 17 minutes, the time necessary to immerse oneself totally and relax into the orchestral armchair offered by ALPHA LYRA. Intertwined sequences, silky layers, melodies and rhythms combine to offer thoughtful and accomplished music, a tender mix between ambient, Berlin School and “joyful electro”. Some will hear Wagnerian accents or a few intonations reminiscent of Chopin. The album cover was not chosen without reason... The work reproduced is "Contemplation Dufy" by Amanda Rackowe, painter and companion to Christian. This large triptych was inspired by a visit to the Museum of Modern Art in Paris when the artist found herself facing the monumental and highly coloured fresco,“La Fée Électricité”, executed by Raoul Dufy. Electricity and electronics, there was only one small step for Christian to take to link the painting and his music! The CD is available for € 17.50 including postage. Check or PayPal here
Bienvenue sur le blog musical d'Alpha Lyra ......................... Welcome on a french E.M. blog
mardi 17 août 2021
FULL COLOURS - NEW CD - Summer 2021
FULL COLOURS c’est 5 titres et autant d’univers intimistes propres à la sensibilité de Christian Piednoir. Ce 9ème album solo s’est nourri de la période tumultueuse que nous subissons depuis plus de 18 mois. Entre inquiétude, peur d’un avenir incertain, mais finalement avec comme note d’espoir, la certitude d’un avenir qui va se recolorer. La couleur fait partie de nos vies et de la raison d’être des artistes qu’ils soient musiciens ou plasticiens. Christian Piednoir navigue les yeux grands ouverts entre ces deux mondes artistiques, derrière ses claviers ou devant ses toiles.
Chaque titre de FULL COLOURS dure entre 12 et 17 minutes, le temps nécessaire pour s’installer confortablement dans le fauteuil d’orchestre que nous offre ALPHA LYRA. Séquences entremêlées, nappes soyeuses, mélodies et rythmes se conjuguent au pluriel pour offrir une musique réfléchie et aboutie, un tendre mélange entre ambiant, Berlin School et « électro joyeux ». Certains y entendront des accents Wagnériens ou quelques intonations « à la » Chopin
La couverture de l’album n’a pas été choisie sans raison… L’œuvre reproduite, « Contemplation Dufy » est une peinture d’Amanda Rackowe, artiste peintre et compagne de Christian. Ce grand triptyque lui a été inspiré lors d’une visite au Musée d’Art Moderne de Paris lorsqu’elle s’est retrouvée face à la fresque monumentale et haute en couleurs de Raoul Dufy « La Fée Électricité ». Électricité et électronique, il n’y avait qu’un petit pas à faire pour lier la peinture et ma musique !
Le CD est disponible au prix de 17,50 € frais d’envoi compris. Chèque ou PayPal ici
mardi 1 mai 2018
The Nude - Original soundtrack for a film by Alvin Case
Sortie du nouvel album d'Alpha Lyra. Pour la première fois, j'ai travaillé sur une Bande Originale d'un film réalisé par Alvin Case "The Nude. Regardez un extrait sur son site
Le premier titre de 20 minutes, "The Nude" est une lente introduction du film dont le thème est le travail de recherche d'une femme modèle pour artistes peintres et photographes. La seconde piste s'étire sur 37 minutes. Il est intitulé "Natalia", le prénom de l'actrice. Une partie du thème de "Ultime atome" est repris ici, et se prête parfaitement au rythme et à la poésie du film. La musique est très "ambient", éthérée, envoutante, langoureuse, méditative... détendez vous !
Commandez ce CD (digipack) directement à :
Alpha Lyra
c/o Christian Piednoir
Le Roc
24140 St Julien de Crempse
17 euros port compris, par chèque ou par Paypal (christian@alpha-lyra.net)
Dear music lovers,
I am delighted to announce the release of the new album from Alpha Lyra. For the first time, I have had the opportunity to work on an original film soundtrack. The American director Alvin Case commissioned me to compose the music of his film "The Nude".
Catch a glimpse in this preview extract on his site
The first track (20 minutes), "The Nude", is a slow introduction to the film, whose theme is the research work of a female model who poses for painters and photographers. The second stretches for 37 minutes. It is entitled "Natalia", the christian name of the actress. Here resurfaces part of the theme of "Ultime Atome" which perfectly lends itself to the rhythm and the poetry of the film. The music is very "ambient", ethereal, captivating, meditative.....relax.
Order this newly released CD (digipack) now, direct from Alpha Lyra,
for 17€ (including shipping) by Paypal (christian@alpha-lyra.net)
vendredi 28 avril 2017
Ultime atome - New CD
10 tracks and 61 minutes for this new music of Alpha Lyra.
The theme of this CD is an immersion in the microscopic world of atoms, in search of the one that is not yet known!
"Physicists are rarely poetic when it comes to naming atomic particles ! And the names of the temporary atoms are even less so. These purely theoretical atoms do not exist naturally, but researchers are convinced that they will bring them to life. They will then change their surname, and will generally take the name of the discoverer.They are called Uuu 111 for Ununium (un = 1 + 1 + 1), Uub 112 for Ununbium (1 + 1 + bi = 2), Uut 113 for Ununtrium (1 + 1 + 3 = tri), etc.
Scientific but not very glamorous !Uun 119 is not yet part of history, it must be at the bottom of a notebook of a brilliant physicist... And what about the “ultimat atom” ? The particle that germinates in the brain of a mad scientist, or a mere dreamer, or maybe in the imagination of an electronic musician ? "
This seventh CD of Alpha Lyra is now available on Patch Work Music or directly from Christian Piednoir (christian@alpha-lyra.net).
Extract : Second track - Uub 112 on YouTube
The theme of this CD is an immersion in the microscopic world of atoms, in search of the one that is not yet known!
"Physicists are rarely poetic when it comes to naming atomic particles ! And the names of the temporary atoms are even less so. These purely theoretical atoms do not exist naturally, but researchers are convinced that they will bring them to life. They will then change their surname, and will generally take the name of the discoverer.They are called Uuu 111 for Ununium (un = 1 + 1 + 1), Uub 112 for Ununbium (1 + 1 + bi = 2), Uut 113 for Ununtrium (1 + 1 + 3 = tri), etc.
Scientific but not very glamorous !Uun 119 is not yet part of history, it must be at the bottom of a notebook of a brilliant physicist... And what about the “ultimat atom” ? The particle that germinates in the brain of a mad scientist, or a mere dreamer, or maybe in the imagination of an electronic musician ? "
This seventh CD of Alpha Lyra is now available on Patch Work Music or directly from Christian Piednoir (christian@alpha-lyra.net).
Extract : Second track - Uub 112 on YouTube
mardi 26 janvier 2016
Between cloud and sky - 2016
Digipack disponible/available alpha-lyra.net
Digital album on Bandcamp
Entre nuages et ciel
Mon regard voyage entre l’horizon et le zénith.
Je cherche en vain la frontière secrète qui ouvre vers l’infini
Est-elle entre ces fantômes impalpables qui vagabondent devant
moi ?
Peut-être dans les nuances d’azur se fondant dans le bleu de tes
yeux ?
Où se cache-t-elle ?
J’erre entre nuages et ciel…
Between cloud and sky
My gaze travels between the horizon and the
I search in vain for the secret border that
leads to infinity.
Is it between these intangible ghosts that roam
before me?
Or perhaps in the azur shades that blend
into the blue of your eyes?
Where does it hide?
I am wandering between clouds and sky....
La chronique (in english) de Sylvain Lupari sur Synth & Sequences
vendredi 25 septembre 2015
New music on Bandcamp
Presenting some classic new music available only on download from Alpha Lyra on Bandcamp
- Live at E-Day 2014 in Oirshot (NL) : One hour of quintessential Alpha Lyra music
- The Day when Life will Change : Archetypal Alpha Lyra filled with emotion for this excellent track composed in 2013 - 25 minutes
- Stars Will Always Shine : One track with remix composed in 2011 (and 2012) for the compilation "Electronic music for Life" an album put together to Aid the victims of the Japanese tsunami.
Coming soon.... my new album will be available on CD and download. The music's all done... just a bit of work on the layout to go... watch this Space!
samedi 16 mai 2015
Belles rencontres

Le SynthFest 2.0 qui s'est déroulé à Nantes en avril 2015 a été l'occasion de retrouvailles.
Avec mon ami Zanov, qui reprend son activité musicale mise en silence depuis 1979, nous avons passé un excellent moment à nous raconter nos 35 dernières années. Grand connaisseur de l'Arturia Origin, il m'a confirmé l'envie d'acquérir cette belle machine. Elle a d'ailleurs rejoint mon studio début mai.
L'autre belle rencontre de ce festival fut celle avec Eric Mouquet, fondateur de Deep Forest. Voisin géographique, je me prête aisément à imaginer une rencontre autour d'une table digne de notre Périgord d'adoption...
mardi 2 décembre 2014
Alpha Lyra le musicien et Cris le peintre
Alpha Lyra et Cris s'associent pour la cause artistique. Les deux avatars de Christian Piednoir s'unissent pour des expressions artistiques parallèles. La musique cosmique de l'un se fond dans les toiles abstraites de l'autre. De nombreux projets se précisent pour 2015 : un nouveau CD, des expositions...
Alpha Lyra and Cris are the two avatars of French artist Christian Piednoir. They are expressed through two creative concepts: painting and music. Here the artistic parellels unite, the cosmic music melting into the abstract canvasses of the other. Several projects are planned for 2015; a new album to be released by Alpha Lyra and expositions from Cris....watch this space!
Alpha Lyra and Cris are the two avatars of French artist Christian Piednoir. They are expressed through two creative concepts: painting and music. Here the artistic parellels unite, the cosmic music melting into the abstract canvasses of the other. Several projects are planned for 2015; a new album to be released by Alpha Lyra and expositions from Cris....watch this space!
lundi 9 juin 2014
mercredi 19 février 2014
Alpha Lyra et MoonSatellite / E-Day 2014
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